①个人所得税最高15%;鼓励类企业实施15%企业所得税,不断释放税收优惠的政策红利;1.The maximum personal income tax is 15%; the corporate income tax of 15% on encouraged industrial enterprises, continuously releasing preferential tax policy benefits.
②贸易自由便利:海南国际贸易“单一窗口”实现海港、空港全覆盖,洋浦保税港区率先实行“一线”放开、“二线”管住的进出口 管理制度;
2. Free and convenient trade: “Single Window” of Hainan international trade covers all seaports and airports, an import&export management system featuring “free flow through the first line and efficient control at the second line” was adapt first in the Yangpu Bonded Port Zone Area.
③投资自由便利: 海南创新设立国际投资“单一窗口”,实施中国最高开放水平、具有国际竞争力的外资准入政策;
3.Free and convenient investment: international investment "Single window" was set up in Hainan, the foreign investment access policy with international competitive and representing China the highest level of openness was implemented.
4.Hainan has established a multifunctional free trade account system to facilitate free cross-border capital flow.
5. Import tariff will be exempted for goods originating in Hainan or containing imported materials and whose processing added value exceeds 30%.